You could try leaving off the ";"...

Try $sql = "BEGIN"

Try $sql = "COMMIT"

That should work...

On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 22:23, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> Jason Sheets wrote:
> > 
> > Manual Excerpt: " If a second call is made to pg_connect() with the same
> > connection_string, no new connection will be established, but instead,
> > the connection resource of the already opened connection will be
> > returned. You can have multiple connections to the same database if you
> > use different connection string."
> You're right! I did some more testing and the problem is with my testing 
> code. I don't know why but the following code times out *but*, PHP 
> throws an error saying the code has timed out *but* calling 
> connection_status() says the code did *not* time out!
> Any idea why connection_status() returns 0 when it should return 2??
> My code:
> set_time_limit(2);
> echo "set execution limit to 2 seconds <BR>";
> register_shutdown_function("timed_out");
> require_once("db_functions/");
> $sql = "BEGIN;";
> $res = sql_query($sql);
> $sql = "insert into test(test) values('testing 4');";
> $res = sql_query($sql);
> //This will cause the script to time out
> $i = 0;
> while(true) {$i++;}
> $sql = "COMMIT;";
> $res = sql_query($sql);
> function timed_out() {
>    $status = connection_status();
>    if ($status == 2) {
>      echo "the script timed out <BR>";
>    }
>    else echo "no time out. Connection status is $status <BR>";
> }
> The OUPUT:
> set execution limit to 2 seconds
> Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 2 seconds exceeded in 
> /www/htdocs/jc/shut.php on line 16
> no time out. Connection status is 0
> Jc

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