Are you saying that OCILogoff gives you the segfault?
It's very strange because OCILogoff is actually an "empty" function -
all the contents of that function is commented and is there only for the
backwards compatibility reasons. Zend API ends OCI sessions
automatically as script's execution ends.

Do what, try removing the last function from your script and run again.
If the segfault happens again submit a bug report at
with all the possible details (server log, script, system etc) and I
will take over the bug myself (I maintain the OCI8 extension)

Maxim Maletsky

"Christopher Ditty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> Anyone?
> CDitty
> >>> "Christopher Ditty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/09/03 04:04PM >>>
> I have successfully installed oracle 8.1.7 w/ php and have it
> configured
> to run from the command line.  When I run a simple script that
> connects,
> and selects records from the database, the last line is a segmentation
> fault error.  This does not seem to happen when the same script is run
> through the browser.  
> Can anyone offer any help or advice?  The code is listed below.
> CDitty
> #!/usr/bin/php
> <?
> function oci8Connect(){
>          $db_conn = ocilogon("usrname","pwd", "dbase");
>          if (!$db_conn){
>               echo "Help<br>";
>             exit ();
>          }
>          echo "Connected<br>";
>          return ($db_conn);
> }
> $conn = oci8Connect();
> $stmt = ociparse($conn,"select * from US_MSTR");
>   ociexecute($stmt);
>       $i=0;
>       $row = array();
>   while(OCIFetchInto($stmt, &$row, OCI_ASSOC)){
>               # do stuff with $row...
>               echo $row['US_ID'] . " $i<br>";
>               $i++;
>       }
>       ocifreestatement($stmt);
>       ocilogoff($conn);
> ?>
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