Jeff Lewis wrote:
Why re-invent what is already written? I'm well aware that it's easy to
write but there may be something out there already that suits my needs and
has some features that I hadn't thought of. If you don't have a suggestion
on a package please spare me the rude replies which seem to run rampant on
here lately...

I've checked Hotscripts and I can't findanything relatively
new or that suits my needs. I was wondering if anyone uses a
FAQ program that they could suggest?

Are you looking for something new, or something which suits your needs?
Not trying to flame here, but I didn't understand the sentence.

I think what the other poster was getting at is that if you searched and
can't find anything that meets your needs, do go ahead and write
your own tool. Yes, re-inventing the wheel isn't the best idea,
but your 'wheel' (what you want the app to be) doesn't exist,
based on your own searching.

If you'd searched Lycos for 30 seconds, I'd say search again. If you've exhausted HotScripts, I'd say you've gone thru the majority of known systems - certainly systems that had authors who were interested enough to bother to register them in the first place.

Michael Kimsal

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