
I have a table in a MySQL-db. The primary-key-coloumn is a number which is
not sorted. I don't know how many records there are.

I have a while-loop in a php-page which prints a link for each record. Each
link points to the same page (iow. page reloads).

When someone click on one of these links I would like to create a unike
session-variable which identifies the links record and set it's value like
1. The next time someone click on the link, the variable should be set like

The meaning is to run another query if a record's variable is set to 1 and
display it. The page will then have functionality like windows explorer (you
can click on a folder and it will then display its contents).

The problem is how I can make a unike variable for each record and know how
to call it(know it's name).

Hope someone understands my problem. (difficult to explain)



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