At 09:05 17-1-2003, you wrote:
> I put the output of the database query in a table. It works fine. Now I have a need to make the alternate rows of a different color.
> Can someone please help me with the code?

$cols = array('#ff0000','#00ff00');
$i = 0;
while(your_loop_to_output_each_row) {
echo '<tr bgcolor="'.$cols[$i%2].'"><td>$row_data</td></tr>';
um, Rasmus, shouldn't this have a
line in the while loop?

some other ways (there are many)

- shortest code, you need to use a 'for' loop or add a counter $i that is increased in every loop

for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++)
{ echo '<tr bgcolor="'.(($i%2==0)?'red':'white')."\"><td>$i</td></tr>";

- using a color toggle

for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++)
echo('<TR bgcolor="'.(($color_toggle=!$color_toggle)?'#D8D1E7':'white')

Of ocurse you can put the color values in variabels like $color1 and $color2, and define them at the top of the file for easier configuring.

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