If you're on a dedicated server (no other sites on the server), you could
just count the session files in /tmp.

Otherwise, the general consensus seems to be that you need to decide how
long a user is "active" for (say a minute, or 3, or an hour?), and save (eg)
the SID and timestamp in a file or MySQL table.

In theory, you then count the number of sessions that were created or
reactivated (restamped) within your definition of "active" time (eg 3 mins).

This has been discussed waaay too many time on the list... do a search on
the archives for 'active users', perhaps also try a search with the word
"ASP" too :)


on 19/01/03 10:27 PM, Jeremías Grunge ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Sorry I'm novice.
> There is a way to know how many sessions are active and to get variables or
> the id of them?
> Thanks

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