I don't think you can load a different ini based on virtual host. However, you can override most php.ini values in either the httpd.conf or in a .htaccess file. I'm running about 10 vhosts on one box, all with the same IP, and I just use .htaccess, ie...

php_value include_path ".:/webserver/vhosts/beta/include"

to set the include path for my "beta" webserver. Just put the .htaccess file in the document root for that particular vhost.

Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
On my web server (Apache) I have two sites and I would like each site to use a different php.ini.

What is the correct way for me to have each site use it's own php.ini file? I figure it's a setting in the apache conf file but I can't figure out which ...



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