on 21/01/03 8:33 AM, John Nichel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> But he said that it's working in 4.2.2 (default off), but not working in
> 4.1.2 (default on).  If I remember correctly,
> $HTTP_POST_VARS['whatever'] worked before 4.2.x, right?  What about
> things like $_POST $_SERVER, etc. did those work prior to 4.2.0?

the super global arrays ($_POST et al) came in 4.1.0

things like $HTTP_POST_VARS have been working for ages. they are repricated,
but continue to work for a long time IMHO

register_globals defaulted to off in 4.2(.x???) ONLY if you were doing a
clean install... if you were updating, it tried to grab your old value (on).


> Sean Burlington wrote:
>> Tim Thorburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've created a password protected area on the site I'm working on
>>> using PHP Sessions - I've done this several times before without any
>>> difficulty.  This time, I've copied my old code - made the necessary
>>> changes for login/passwd/database names, yet the sessions don't appear
>>> to be working.
>>> I've been comparing the PHP settings on each server - the server that
>>> works is using 4.2.2, the one that does not is using 4.1.2.  Other
>>> than that, the only difference is that on the server that works I've
>>> changed the path to the PHP include dir (from the server set default
>>> into my account).
>>> Can anyone offer any suggestions?
>> This is by far the most FAQ on this list...
>> what changed
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.predefined.php
>> why it changed
>> http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.registerglobals.php
>> In PHP 4.2.0 and later, the default value for the PHP directive
>> register_globals is off. This is a major change in PHP. Having
>> register_globals off affects the set of predefined variables available
>> in the global scope. For example, to get DOCUMENT_ROOT you'll use
>> $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] instead of $DOCUMENT_ROOT, or $_GET['id'] from
>> the URL http://www.example.com/test.php?id=3 instead of $id, or
>> $_ENV['HOME'] instead of $HOME.
>> For related information on this change, read the configuration entry for
>> register_globals, the security chapter on Using Register Globals , as
>> well as the PHP 4.1.0 and 4.2.0 Release Announcements.
>> Using the available PHP Reserved Predefined Variables, like the
>> superglobal arrays, is preferred.

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