> You could rely somewhat of the time zone codes as you refer
 > to them, the
 > only issue is in some parts of the world
 > this would include 10 countries at a time.

But what time zone are you getting?  The time zone of the browser?  The
time zone of the proxy cache that's in a possibly different time zone
that the browser is forced to use?  The time zone of the corporate
firewall that lives in a different zone to the browser?  A multinational
corporate firewall where all traffic is VPN'd back to a single internet
gateway to permit traffic control (and before you say this doesn't
happen, I know of at least two or three Australian government
departments that do this - one on a national basis which means it
crosses multiple time zones).

The only sure way to get a country is to ask the browser for it.

...and even then they might lie...

CYA, Dave

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