IIRC this is a known bug with IIS (not PHP) when it gets the http redirect
it junks the cookie - sorry I can't remember much more detail than that...
Workaround maybe is to spit out an HTML based META refresh redirect tag
instead of using the header() call.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Potter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2003 15:35
Subject: [PHP] setcooke(...) before header("Location: XYZ") - Cookie
doesn't set!

I know I'm new at this so please don't laugh.  But I can't get this to work!
I am using Microsoft IIS with the latest PHP installed.
Here's a smple:

setcookie("testCookie", "testValue", time() + 3600, "/");
header("Location: http://newpage.php";);

Later, I pull the cookie:

echo $_COOKIE["testCookie"];

and there is no value.  If I don't use the header function at the end, and
write something to the page, it works fine.
Why does this cookie not get set?

Thanks a ton!


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