Hello people!!! This time I have a problem with cookies. I
tried to send a cookie from one page with the function
sendcookie("chat",$mail) to a page in another directory,
but when I tried to prine echo($chat) or
echo($_COOKIE["chat"]) I got notheing. So I put the second
page where it was the page that sent the cookie and tried
again. This last time I got the cookie in the echo($chat)
but not in the echo($_COOKIE["chat"]) I need to send a
cookie to a page in another path and I need that the
cookie stays in the client browser so I can see if I can
recognize him/ her next time he/she enters the chat. Was I
clear? Thank you very much for all of your help and
time!!! I really appreciate your help in times I'm
desesperated like this time :-)


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