Hey, I'm back =)

I was unable to get it to run, I've setup the most basic session handler i could think of, a simple counter,
if any of you could test it, I'd be very thankful, the URL is http://fatboy.blaster.nu/~blaster/sess_test/

Now, it does not "cut" the content, not sure why it doesn't do that, but I'm pretty sure it generates segment faults,
cause at several occations when you click Destroy Session and then return, it will display "Cannot find server" in
MSIE, and I've checked with my sniffer, Apache simply closes the TCP connection as soon as my request is sent
which probably means the child handling my request segment faulted.

Still, if ANYONE has ANYTHING on Segment faults with PHP session, I'd like to hear about it, I'm willing to try pretty
much anything!

I've already tried several different DB libs and Session handler libs, I'm aware of the "MM" lib which many have had
problems with before, I don't use that.

One thing that really bugs me though, is that if I don't touch the "session.save_handler" option and leave it to "files",
EVERYTHING works just great! This kinda makes me think all the DB libs I have tried is invalid, but that cannot possible
be the case, I've even tried PEAR sessionlib, which is coded by a team supported by the PHP group (?). Is it possible
that the way PHP handles the "files" session and "user" sessions is different? Like, they patched one of the methods but
forgot to fix the "user" mode? :)

Also, while searching google, I came across a very interesting URL,

However, the BUG description ID to http://bugs.php.net/ seems to be invalid, it only takes me to the frontpage, and
searching for it gives me nothing, is this bug fixed? If so, in what version?

Thanks for your time, again, anything related to PHP session and possible segment faults is MUCH appreciated!

At 21:15 2003-01-21 +1100, you wrote:
I don't really have an answer... try to get the REALLY basic session example
from the manual to work... this will ruke out your save handler and all
sorts of other stuff, if you're still getting the errors with basic code and
default handlers.


on 21/01/03 9:01 PM, Blaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Okay, I'm not using "mm" as my session handler, in PHP.ini, I still have
> "files",
> but in my script, I temporariliy modify this with
> if (!ini_set("session.save_handler", "user"))
> echo("Unable to switch to Session User mode.");
> if (!session_set_save_handler("db_session_open", "db_session_close",
> "db_session_read", "db_session_write", "db_session_destroy",
> "db_session_garbage"))
> echo("Unable to init custom session handlers!");
> These are my own handlers, working with MySQL.
> I have however also tried setting it to user and only doing the
> "session_set_save_handler()" part, but gives me random segment faults
> either way. The strange part
> is that it doesn't always crash, i can view the same page 10 times, and it
> only segment faults on one of the views,.. how is this possible?
> Please advice =)
> At 12:51 2003-01-21 +1100, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I had this problem a few weeks back. The host changed the sessions from
>> 'mm' to 'files' in php.ini and restarted, and all was ok...
>> not sure of the reasons behind the faults, but I had this EXACT problem
>> (with standard session stuff).
>> Justin
>> on 21/01/03 2:29 AM, Blaster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> OS: Debian Linux (Woody), kernel 2.2.20
>>> PHP: v4.1.2
>>> I'm having some troubles with my sessions, when the page is sent to the
>>> visitor, it sometimes stops after ½ the page or so. 90% of the times, it
>>> works perfectly
>>> to visit the page, so this appears to be totally random. However, I have
>>> reason to believe it has something to do with my sessions, I have written a
>>> custom session
>>> lib which works with MySQL, and then set it up with
>> session_set_save_handler()
>>> Now, I checked the error logs of my Apache HTTP, and it's filled with
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:20:54 2003] [notice] child pid 19500 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:20:54 2003] [notice] child pid 19399 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> FATAL: emalloc(): Unable to allocate -916562933 bytes
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:21:02 2003] [notice] child pid 19499 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:21:20 2003] [notice] child pid 19401 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:21:32 2003] [notice] child pid 19514 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> [Mon Jan 20 15:21:35 2003] [notice] child pid 19403 exit signal
>>> Segmentation fault (11)
>>> The reason to why I'm sure it's PHP is the "emalloc()" line, which I'm told
>>> only can be generated by PHP. Now, I'm wondering if this is a know bug, or
>>> am I doing
>>> something wrong?
>>> In short:
>>> The content stream (HTML stream) is interrupted, probably because of a
>>> segment fault caused by PHP Session functions. Is there a way to work
>>> around this bug
>>> without performing a complete upgrade? If this has already been fixed in a
>>> newer version, which version do I need to get? 4.3.0 is not really an
>>> option to me, since
>>> I'm running APT-GET, their latest version is 4.1.2 (stable) and 4.2.6
>>> (unstable) (or something)
>>> Code I use to setup the sessions:
>>> session_start();
>>> session_register("SESSION");
>>> if (!isset($SESSION)) {
>>> $SESSION = array();
>>> $SESSION["submitdata"] = array();
>>> $SESSION["addr"] = $REMOTE_ADDR;
>>> $SESSION["user"] = user_auth($_COOKIE['replayuser'],
>>> $_COOKIE['replaypass']);
>>> }
>>> # Prevent Session hi-jacking, only allow people from the IP who created the
>>> session, or else
>>> # re-auth user
>>> if ($SESSION["addr"] != $REMOTE_ADDR) {
>>> $SESSION["user"] = user_auth($_COOKIE['replayuser'],
>> $_COOKIE['replaypass']);
>>> $SESSION["addr"] = $REMOTE_ADDR;
>>> }
>>> A quick reply is appreciated! Thanks in advance
>>> --
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