I think it will work if you return true, and just modify the global
variable (not try to output it).

Then output it (or capture it to begin with ($total_count =
OneHundred();) after the function is called.

You could also pass the variable, rather than making it global
(OneHundred("0") initially, and OneHundred($count) from within the

For instance:


function OneHundred(){
  global $count;

  if($count < 100){
    return true;


echo $count;


Hope that helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Crain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 1:23 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Returning a value from a recursive function
> Everyone,
> I'm stumped by this, even after searching the archives and the web,
> although I admit the solution likely is something very obvious.
> I've written a function to build a string of "breadcrumb" links for a
> web site directory similar to Yahoo, etc. It queries a 
> categories table
> recursively until it reaches the root category, building a string of
> categories from the current category all the way back up to root. The
> function seems to work fine if I output directly from it 
> using echo, but
> if I instead try to return the string to the global scope and 
> then echo
> it, I get nothing. The line where I use echo/return is 
> indicated below.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> function breadcrumbs($category_id=0,$mode='linked'){
>    global $id_array,$name_array;
>    static $counter = 0;
>    if ($category_id == 0) {
>    //once we're down to the root, build a return string
>        if ($mode == 'linked') {
>           $output = '<A HREF="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">HOME</A>';
>        } else {
>           $output = 'HOME';
>        }
>        while($counter > 0){
>            if ($mode == 'linked') {
>               $output .= ' > <A HREF="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .
> '?category_id=' . array_pop($id_array) .  '">' . 
> array_pop($name_array)
> . '</A>';
>            } else {
>               $output .= ' > ' . array_pop($name_array);
>            }
>            $counter--;
>        }
>        return $output; /*<--------HERE: IF I SUBSTITUTE "ECHO" FOR
>    } else {
>        $sql = 'SELECT category_id, parent_cat, category_name FROM
> web_categories WHERE category_id = ' . $category_id;
>        $result = safe_query($sql);
>        while($query_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
>            $id_array[$counter] = $query_data['category_id'];
>            $name_array[$counter] = $query_data['category_name'];
>            //now, move one step up and make the current category the
> previous parent
>            $category_id = $query_data['parent_cat'];
>            $counter++;
>            breadcrumbs($category_id,$mode);
>        }
>    }
> }
> $show = breadcrumbs(9);
> echo $show;

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