
I'm new to php (ok new, try 3 days ;), althought, I'm finding it fun, I 'm trying to think of a project to do, to get me more into it.

And after having a discussion with a friend and also setting up several Mailman mailing lists for people that want to compose HTML mails and post them as newsletters, it got me thinking, would I be able to create a similar program to mailman in php?

So admins just login to the list. copy and past the html into a text box and php then renders it for a preview, then if they like it, they click send, this send queries the database and sends it to all the people list to receive mail on that list.

I would assume that the sending could be handed off somehow to sendmail/postfix?

The list front end would also hold list preferances as well, for subscribers and admins,
basically I want to mimik Mailman, but in php and be able to render previews of mails first, basically it will be a newsletter program, rather than a mailing list one, which is where Mailman falls over.



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