On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> >
> > Because the server doesn't work very well yet.  There are issues in the
> > filter api and you can't really uses a threaded mpm as many of the
> > 3rd-party libraries that are commonly linked into PHP are simply not
> > threadsafe.
> Thank you! That's the kind of answer I was looking for.
> If I understand correctly PHP will not work correctly because some parts
> of it are not thread-safe.

No, you didn't understand correctly.  I specifically said the thread
safety issues were in 3rd party libraries and not in PHP.  This is not
going to be solved anytime soon since it isn't really something we can
fix.  We can hack around it and add mutexes and stuff to protect ourselves
from broken libraries, but in the end that just brings us closer to the
non-threaded model that we already have with Apache-1.3, so there is very
little motivation to even go through this bit of pain.

Why exactly are you asking?  Is there some feature in Apache2 that you
need that is not available in Apache-1.3?


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