
I am currently working on a projekt that will involve uploading files with filesizes 
up to about 10mb, and all sorts of different filetypes and I havet o Questsions 
concerning that.

1 ) How should the upload be done? I don't feel all  that comfortable posting 
10mb-files via a simple html-form, wouldn't that take a while if the connections is 
slow, and even if it was fast, it would take a minute or two. I was drawing out a 
upload functions with the built in ftp-functions,  but then it occured to me, doesn't 
a <form> always  posts it's content to the server anyway? How do I post large files 
without worrying about broken uploads, timeouts and all that?

2 ) How should I store the files? I suppose I have to optiones. Database ( I have 
mySQL installed ) or in folders (  in RedHat8.0 ) Should I build up  a 
folder-structure to hold the files or just put it all in the database? A mySQL table 
in RedHat can hold 4gb, which is a lot, but my content may exceed that, how coud I 
check the size of the tables, and dynamically create new databases and when running a 
member Query, select content from them all? 
Would a file structure be better, with a folder strucuture for member a-b store in 
this folder c-d to in this and so on... Would it be stupid to store a 10000 10mb mpegs 
in one database?

Any suggestions?

   /peter a

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