I have just got use of a new dedicated webserver...

Now the 1st time a piece of code is ran it doesnt work but then the 2nd it



   // stuff...
  $visitDBID = referrerVisit($rid,$rgid,$visitIP,$visitFromURL);
   // stuff...

//end index.php

function  referrerVisit($rid,$rgid,$visitIP,$visitFromURL) {
  $db = dbConnect();
  $sql = "
    insert into referral
   (RID, RGID, VisitorIP, VisitorDate, VisitorFromURL)
  echo $sql;
  if(mysql_error()) {
   echo "inserted not";
        $errormessage = "";
        $errormessage .= "SQL: $sql<br>";
        $errormessage .= "Error Code: ".mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error();
        echo "
          Sorry, an error has occured. It has been recorded and reported
          to the Website Administrator.<br><br>
    return null;
  } else {
   echo "inserted";
    return mysql_insert_id($db);

When it's ran initilly: the sql that i generated looks like:

insert into referral (RID, RGID, VisitorIP, VisitorDate, VisitorFromURL)
values( insert into referral (RID, RGID, VisitorIP, VisitorDate,
VisitorFromURL) values(Resource id #4,Resource id #4,'Resource id
#4',NOW(),'Resource id #4') , insert into referral (RID, RGID, VisitorIP,
VisitorDate, VisitorFromURL) values(Resource id #4,Resource id #4,'Resource
id #4',NOW(),'Resource id #4') ,'

and gives the error:

Error Code: 1065: Query was empty

However if i refresh the page: it executes correctly...

Any ideas?

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