Christian Ista wrote:


A friend would like to know how to check on the server (dedicated) if the
function sendmail is enable or not, how ? if not activated how activate ?


If I understand your question correctly (and I may not):

Assuming RedHat linux, then as root "which sendmail" should return you something like "/usr/sbin/sendmail". This would tell you that it is installed. "ps ax | grep sendmail" should give you "sendmail: accepting connections". This would mean that it is running.

If it is installed but not running, then "chkconfig --list sendmail" will list the runlevels that it is set to run under. Normally it is 2, 3, 4 and 5. "chkconfig --level 2345 sendmail on" will set it to run at those runlevels, and "service sendmail start" will start it up immediately if it is not running.

Hope this helps


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