Hey John.

While your suggestion certainly will work, I'd prefer not to have an
excessive number of include files to keep track of.

Johannes' suggestion does the trick:

"Try something like
  switch ($foo) {
    case 1:

----- Original Message -----
From: "John W. Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Switch statement || How to output html without using
echo() or print()

> > I've got a simple switch statement that carries out one of several
> > operations based on the switch statement variable value.
> >
> > Each operation has @ 50 lines of html -- do I have to echo or print
> all
> > this
> > html!?
> You could put your HTML into a separate file and just include() it
> wherever you want it displayed...
> ---John W. Holmes...
> PHP Architect - A monthly magazine for PHP Professionals. Get your copy
> today. http://www.phparch.com/

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