Hi there Guys!

I'll start to write an application which will be used to send large
amounts of mail to users in a DB. All these mails to be sent shoul be
personalized. Since i understand, and please correct me if im wrong, the
mail() function is not a good option for this purpose. (the amount of mail
to be sent may vary from 50 to 800 messages). I have considered using some
masive mail application such majordomo or EZMLM. EZMLM is not easily
configurable for sending personalized mail, and majordomo requires
sendmail, (i would prefer to use qmail), i know about patches to be done
so it works with qmail, but i dont consider them really clean.

What would you guys suggest ?? should i jump into majordomo - sendmail,
or do you know something else that might be a better solution.

Thanks a lot in Advance, regards

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own
Albert Einstein
Maciek Ruckaber Bielecki

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