Okay, correction...

Double --> 11.1237
Float --> 0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Cheers!  It's the way it work in C Programming...  Double won't be as long
or as infinite as the floating point.

"White Wolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Scott Fletcher" wrote:
> > Double and Float are not exactly the same thing.
> >
> > Double is ---> 11.123
> > Float is ------> .00238823993
> I am absolutely new to PHP but what is above (since PHP seems to take most
> of its low-level terminology from C) is a fixed point number and the next
> is a floating point number, which may not fit into the 8 significant
> what is guaranteed for a float on all platforms.  What do I miss?
> WW

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