On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 09:38:09AM +0200, Shaun van den Berg wrote:
> Is there a way in php to print to a printer? say i have a order from , when
> someone clicks the submit button - then print the form plus the entered
> details to a page ?

Are you talking about having a submit button that launches a browser's
print dialog, as if the user pressed the print button in their browser,
or do you want a user's form submission to cause a printer on (or near)
your web server to spit out something based on the form contents?

I've build scripts that print to a server-side printer by creating
output using pdflib, then submitting the PDF to the local (unix-based)
lpr system.  Then the only complexity is getting lpr to deal with PDF
files (along with solutions to the security issues that surround giving
your web server process the ability to submit print jobs).  I do this
for requests for paper invoices which fit inside window envelopes, so
any invoices that turn up on the printer just get stuffed and mailed.
I also do something similar for requests for FAXed quotes.  The software
builds a PDF, then submits it to Hylefax's sendfax program, which dumps
it to a fax server elsewhere on the network.

If you're doing this in a Microsoft environment, I have no clue how
you'd even approach the problem, let alone solve it.

  Paul Chvostek                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Operations / Abuse / Whatever
  it.canada, hosting and development                   http://www.it.ca/

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