> ----- Original Message ----- Thkiat wrote:
> > Can someone tell me what should I do to solve this problem?

Of course...

> > Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
> > resource in /home/epcc/public_html/exoops/class/database/mysql.php on
> > 134

Fix your problem on line 134

> > Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
> > resource in /home/epcc/public_html/exoops/class/database/mysql.php on
> > 134

Same thing here...

> > Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
> > resource in /home/epcc/public_html/exoops/class/database/mysql.php on
> > 134

and here...

> > Warning: chmod failed: Operation not permitted in
> >
> > on line 489

Ah, this is different. Here you'd want to fix your problem on line 489.

> > Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
> > resource in /home/epcc/public_html/exoops/class/database/mysql.php on
> > 134

and again back to the line 134 thing that should be fixed by now.

> > Warning: chmod failed: Operation not permitted in
> >
> > on line 489

I already covered this one, right?

> > Erreur : Directory
> > Directory , aucune archive n'a été crée
> > Newsletter sent to 2 users

---John Holmes...

PS: Your query is failing and you can't do chmod() because you're running as
the web server. Post your code if you want more help.

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