At 05:17 29.01.2003, Sunfire said:
>hi ...
>im having a little problem with mysql_query("insert into members
>('$company', '$name1', '$name2', '$address1', '$address2', ''$ac1', '$ext2',
>'$num1', '$ac2', '$ext2', '$num2', '$city', '$state', '$zip', '$desc',
>for some reason those variables are empty by the time they get into the

Are these variables received by handling a form submit? You should use the
$_REQUEST array if you have register_globals off:

mysql_query("insert into members
('{$_REQUEST['company']}', '{$_REQUEST['name1']}', '{$_REQUEST['name2']}',
'{$_REQUEST['address1']}', '{$_REQUEST['address2']}', '{$_REQUEST['ac1']}',
'{$_REQUEST['ext2']}', '{$_REQUEST['num1']}', '{$_REQUEST['ac2']}',
'{$_REQUEST['ext2']}', '{$_REQUEST['num2']}', '{$_REQUEST['city']}',
'{$_REQUEST['state']}', '{$_REQUEST['zip']}', '{$_REQUEST['desc']}',

Two other 'littles' I see:
- your original statement comes with two single quotes before "$ac1", this
will break the query if it's not a message typo here.
- the "ext2" value is inserted twice
- I personally prefer to explicitly name the columns on any insert, even if
I populate all columns. If by chance your table structure will change
(using ALTER TABLE) your insert statement will break.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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