At 11:28 29.01.2003, Jean-Christian Imbeault said:
>I am trying to access the last error message using the superglobal 
>$php_errmsg. But trying to acess that var gives a "not defined" error ...
>Running this script gives me:
>ini_set("track_errors", true);
>error_reporting (E_ALL);
>$a = $php_errmsg;
>Notice: Undefined variable: php_errmsg in err.php on line 5

$php_errmsg is NOT a "superglobal" it's simply global so you need to
declare it within a function.

$php_errormsg is not set by default (warning prone) and will be overwritten
immediately by the next error or warning. What you should do is something
like this:

global $php_errormsg;
$php_errormsg = null;
$err = $php_errormsg;
if ($err) ...


   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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