On Saturday 01 February 2003 19:08, Denis L. Menezes wrote:
> Hello friends.
> I have a listbox which I populate from a query with the database. It is
> working fine. But additinally, I want the first item to be "Select
> category". Can someone please help me how to modify by below written code
> to do the above?
> My code : Quote :
> <?php
>     //connecting to the database
> $link = mysql_connect("localhost","MyDomain","MyPass");
> if ($link){
>    Print "";
>    }  else {
>    Print "No connection to the database";
>    }
>    if (!mysql_select_db("MyDomain_com")){
>     Print "Couldn't connect database";
>  } else {
>  Print ""."<br>\n";
>  }

  echo "<option ...";

> $sql="SELECT DISTINCT CategoryName From Categories ORDER BY CategoryName";
> $result=mysql_query($sql);
> While($Category=mysql_fetch_array($result))
>  {
>  Print("<OPTION VALUE=\"$Category[0]\">$Category[0]\n");
>  }
> ?>
> Unquote

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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