In a message dated 2/1/2003 2:02:06 PM Pacific Standard Time,

>i tried getting the values into vars using fetch_array/fetch_object and
>fetch_row and tried to put them in variables but for some odd reason it
>really doesnt work because when i try to use the vars in the value section
>instead of printing in the edit box the content of the variable i usually
>end up with "?>", ">", "<?php", or "}?>" instead... any reason this shows
>up? and when i do:
>echo "<input type=text name=$name value='$new_var'>";
>then on the web page i end up with some thing like this instead of the edit
>any reason for that?

It sounds like $name and/or $new_var may be empty. Did you echo the variables
before using them in your form to check whether the values from the database
are actually in the variables?


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