On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 20:07, John W. Holmes wrote:
> Then use an ORDER BY in your query. If you're relying on the database to
> spit out rows in the order they went in, then you're wrong.

Hey man thanks for pointing that out... !!!! I know it's wrong, I didn't
design it but it's what I have to work with and I'm not being paid to
fix it. And quite frankly clients being as ignorant as they tend to be
at times just know that its worked fine for years and don't want to hear
that they have to spend money fixing something that as far as they can
tell has always worked fine. That being said, in this instance, due to
poor design, I need this stuff to be in there in a particular order. If
that's not possible then I'll just have to suck it up and rebuild this
thing for free but if I can find a way around that for the time being

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