At 17:25 02.02.2003, Chris LeBlanc said:
>Ok, so where is the err in my logic since I know there is one, because after
>var3 is set I keep getting "MD5 has changed", or I just don't understand the
>proper use of MD5, most likely both :)

You always set MD5_OLD to MD5_VALID, which is never changed since
initialized. In other word, both always contain the value "0".

You are always setting MD5_NEW, regardless if var1 or var2 have changed,
just to the fact that var3 is set. It's very likely that your test never
succeeds (except by chance that var1.var2.var3 result in "0".

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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