> Major security question:
> I manage a shared Linux web server running PHP 4.2.3. Apache must have
> read permissions on a php file necessary for a web application. For
> example a conf.php file containing a MySQL password that is stored
> outside the web directory:
> -rw-r-----    1 q        apache       3522 Oct 17 06:39 conf.php
> Because this file is readable by apache, ANY user on the server can
> the following script:
> <? print_r(file('/home/q/conf.php')); ?>
> which upon execution the conf.php file will be read by apache and
> to the user.
> Example understood?
> How can a file be secured so it can still be used by apache, but
> inaccessable by any other user? Is there a PHP ini configuration to
> apache to run as the user that is the owner of the php files being
> executed?

Either turn on safe_mode or use the CGI instead of the module.

---John W. Holmes...

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