On Tuesday 04 February 2003 06:30, Jonathan Wright wrote:
> At around Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 04:20:03PM -0600, Greg Donald constructed the 
following notation:
> > On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Jonathan Wright wrote:
> > >Aside from this, PHP's running like a dream. I haven't had a single
> > >problem (other than mail() not working, but I found that's because I use
> > >/usr/sbin/sendmail, not /sbin/sendmail, so I'll just need to recompile).
> >
> > Recompile, why?  How about a link?
> >
> > ln -s /sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
> During the ./configure part of the installation, PHP checks for
> sendmail, but only in /sbin/sendmail. If it doesn't find it, the
> function mail() isn't complied in.
> I just get 'call to undefined function mail()' in x/y.php on z.

But according to the manual configure should check both locations?

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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