Jean-Pierre Gallou schrieb:
> Thank you for your reply. Goetz Lohmann wrote :
>> Failed opening '/inc/inc2.php'
> Yes, I don't understand the reason of the leading slash in the error
> message.
>> ... maybe try something like
>> include('./inc/inc1.php');
>>          ^^
> same thing: Failed opening './inc/inc2.php' for inclusion

mhhh ... wait ... don't you wrote

 |- testinclude.php   <? include ('inc/inc1.php'); ?>
 |- inc/
    |- inc1.php       <? include ('inc/inc2.php'); ?>
    |- inc2.php       OK

wich means that "testinclude.php" includes "inc/inc1.php"
and "inc/inc1.php" includes "inc/inc2.php" ?

the include is like a copy of the code from
"inc/inc1.php" into "testinclude.php" so that in the
first sighth it might be correct to call "inc/inc2.php"
instead of "inc2.php".

But maybe the parser of PHP 4.3.0 is rewritten so that it
now parse it bottom up. That means that first the inclusion
of "inc/inc2.php" into "inc/inc1.php" will happen which
fails cause its in the same directory.

... I tried it on my server ... all went Ok ... strange ...

insert something like into inc1.php and inc2.php:

   echo "inc included<br>\n";
   echo "<br>\n";
   // print out folder "inc"
   while($datei = $folder->read()) {
      echo "$datei<br>\n";
   echo "<br>\n";

maybe did it head anywhere else or did it show something like

inc included
inc included




 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
\/  ------------------------------------------------------
()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
||  why the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.

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