Geckodeep schrieb:
> Hi there I have this problem wondering how to define the size of my images.
> I have this page that has 9 images coming from the database. These images
> are uploaded into a folder and the names are referenced in the DB.
> I pull the image through these tags
> <?php print "<img alt='$title' border=0 width= '103' heigth = '70'
> src=\"$folder/$image1\">" ?>
> and it's ok if the images are rectangular with size 104 x 70,but how will I
> reduce the size of the image having the opposite size 70 x 104 rectangular
> but shorter in length.
> Hard coding the size is not the solution for me as these images are coming
> straight from the DB with their actual size.
> Having decided the sizes to be either 104 x 70 or 70 x 104, now the trouble
> is how to assignee these values dynamically judging the format of the image.
> I've seen different script in resizing the images on the fly but couldn't
> adapt to my needs, as I've 9 image variables ($image1, $image2,..)already
> assigned and I am looking for scripts or solutions in resizing the images on
> the fly by assigning my 9image variables to the resize function.
> Thanks once again.

its just mathematic ;-)

   // get size
  $imagehw = GetImageSize($img0);
  $w = $imagehw[0]; // width
  $h = $imagehw[1]; // height
  $maxsize = 150; // maximum size in one direction
  // prevent division by zero
  if ($height==0 || $width==0) exit;
  // get new size according to max size
  if ($height>$width) {
     $new_h = $maxsize; // new height
     $new_w = (int) (($maxsize * $width) / $height); // casting to int !
  } else {
     $new_w = $maxsize; // new width
     $new_h = (int) (($maxsize * $height) / $width); // casting to int !
  // resize image
  // new thumbnail is in $thumb

 @  Goetz Lohmann, Germany   |   Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
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()  He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and
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