> I have used a few different Web hosting companies, and I
> have never seen a case where my home directory was my
> document root. I have always had a directory like
> public_html/ or www/ that was my personal document root, so
> as long as I don't place files in there, they are not
> accessible via URL.
> Does your experience differ?

I have experience with 3 hosters...My homepage - 10 ? a year, no frills, no
tech support except via forum where I parked my domain. They allocate a web
root directory (/home/dhxxxx) for my homepage,You control what you place
there and everything is visible unless you .htaccess the directory.

For work, our old ISP still has a hosting contract for our old site that is
still active. You can get the company to create a directory with specific
access rights for FTP access... but you cannot access these directories at
all via the web server (lack of access rights for apache and php) - and
their phone support is worse than what I pay 10 euros a year from my
personal host, but that is another discussion!
As for our 50 meg of space that we recieve at work from FT-Oleane with our
internet access package, I believe that it is again a plain, no frills, no
private directory visible root...

I know that you can get much better services, but from there, you really
need to go and rent a virtual linux box, and not just space on what is
called here "mutualised hosting", or even trust your business oriented ISP
to give you a professional hosting and online storage solution... but for
that, the price is not the same...

The final solution is to install a Linux gateway for the home network, and
get a dynamic DNS solution up and running, and from there, you manage your
own rights, and to heck with 200 sites on a box! (the bandwidth could be
better too!)


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