> Thanks for the reply, but I still can't seem to make the connection...
> If I enter the value
> 123\"/'
> in a web form and put the form post value directly into the db (no
> stripslashes or any other function), the value as reported by the db
at a
> command line query is
> 123\"/'

That's not right. If you insert, exactly, 123\"/' into a database, the
value in the table, as returned by a query from the command line, will
be 123"/'

>From the command line, to see what I mean, actually insert 123\"/' into
a table and then select * from that table...

Somehow it is getting escaped twice. 

Can you show your code that processes all of this?

I've got a secret security clearance, if that matters. ;)

> My current project is the first real app I have done for the Air Force
> PHP. Most of the PHP work I have done is for query only db interfaces,
> counters, REMOTE_HOST tests for dynamic links or doing form-to-email
> stuff.  Entering data INTO a db adds a whole new set of challenges.

It's great that they're actually using PHP. I had to do quite a bit of
"educating" and convincing to get the Army to use PHP at my Post. 

---John W. Holmes...

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