I am building a page that submits an article with 9 jpgs images of 45 to
60ko in size.

I got it working with no problems for two to three files, until when I
tested with all nine images I saw the real problem, that wouldn't uploaded

When I consulted with my service provider they said they have put a limit to
upload of 200ko per submit.

Here I am stuck with no real solution to this problem, except that I have
this idea of submitting the article by breaking it down in 3 steps and by
presenting three different forms which should be ok, but what will I do if
the person wanted to edit the article after having submitted e.g. to modify
the article later on.

How will I go fetching the article and presenting it in 3 steps, but this
time for update and taking it into consideration of the images stored in the
file and referenced in the db.

I am opened to all advice and suggestion.

Thanks again.

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