Hi there,

I'm moving an application from Windows -> Linux, and am having a problem
with the database. I have the following script to test my database
connection (Linux):

$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","","") or die ("Couldn't
$dbs = mysql_list_dbs($connection) or die("Couldn't list databases.");
$db_list = "<ul>";
$i = 0;
while ($i < mysql_num_rows($dbs))
   $db_names[$i] = mysql_tablename($dbs,$i);
   $db_list .= "<li>$db_names[$i]</li>";

$db_list .= "</ul>";

This works fine and displays:
   * mysql
   * sasdap
   * test
   * testDB

However, the code that I developed under Windows doesn't work in Linux:

function db_connect()
        // the connection string (host, user, password)
        $result = mysql_pconnect("localhost", "", "");

        if (!$result)
                return false;

        if (!mysql_select_db("sasdap"))
                return false; // false is returned!

        return $result;

Which is called like so:
   // connect to db
   $conn = db_connect();
   if (!$conn)
     return 0;

Any thoughts on why this is happening?

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