Tahnk you,

but I don't want to let web user see the log file

"Nicholas Wieland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On 2003.02.15 20:11 qt wrote:
> > I am planning to make a log file with fopen command.
> >
> > I am succesfully read and write the file with fopen. But as I see
> > fopen is requiring a file with read and write permission for public.
> Not for public, for your webserver user, www-data or another similar
> name.
> > I was using same method with perl in cgi-bin directory; but I was
> > giving read and write permission for only owner.
> >
> > If I give write and read permission for only owner; fopen command can
> > not read the file.
> >
> > Do you have any idea, how can I make log file with protecting from
> > public?
> Give pemissions to your web server user.
> Cheers
> Nicholas

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