On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 01:59:43 +0800, Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sunday 16 February 2003 23:48, Malcolm wrote:

I'm having trouble with copy. I have this script that I got from php.net
but I can't figure out how to set the path. Right now it doesn't complain
but no files are copied. I'm trying to use a dynamically set directory to
do this, I have included ml_config to make the vars available. That's why
the $listname in the to_path. I want all the files from /maillist to got to
/$listname, I've tried all kinds of slashes, dots and anything else but I
can't seem to copy any files.
Are you using full paths? Does the directory 'maillist' reside in the root directory? If not, try using full paths.

Thanks Jason, but I think I've done that. I'm on windows.
I've tried c:\foxy\www\maillist\

anything I could think of

and tried to go to c:\foxy\www\maillist\$listname (or newlist - the current valuse of $listname)
c:\\foxy\\www\\maillist\\$listname (or newlist - the current valuse of $listname)
.//mailist/$listname (or newlist - the current valuse of $listname)
/maillist/$listname (or newlist - the current valuse of $listname)
../maillist/$listname (or newlist - the current valuse of $listname)

none of these and probaly many others, I lost track, work.

It echos files copied at the end but it
I doubt whether PHP is clever enough to lie. It's only doing what you told it to do.

 I'm thinking it's smarter than I am.

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