There may be several reasons why it doesn't work but the first thing I noticed is that 
"action" is blank. You need to have this defined.
 John M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hello,

I have the code below. It's a simple file upload. But it doesn't work.
Before the line if(isset( $Submit )) is an echo which can I read. But after
choosing a file and press a submit nothing happens. Why is if(isset(
$Submit )) always false? Maybe my apache or php config is wrong?

I use WinXp Prof, Apache 2.0.43, PHP 4.2.3, safe_mode is on , upload_tmp_dir
is "c:\tmp\" and upload_max_filesize is 2M in PHP config file.



echo "Before submit 
if(isset( $Submit ))
echo "After submit 

if ($_FILES['imagefile']['type'] == "image/gif"){
copy ($_FILES['imagefile']['tmp_name'],
or die ("Could not copy");
echo "Name: ".$_FILES['imagefile']['name']."";
else {
echo "";
echo "Could Not Copy, Wrong Filetype

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