thanks for your reply

> What I do in these cases is either having <PARAM name=movie.swf?var1=text
the first thing you mention is exactly the problem I'm having since the
makes iexplore reload it

> Or use a file (something.php) which spits text like var1=xxxx&var2=xxxx.
> Flash can read that file and get the variables
the second one is not a possibility, because I need flash to have the vars
before operating. the variables are used to call on another php-script for
conetnt-details. (for instance: file.swf?id=23 will make flash call on
content.php?id=23 for relevant content)

anybody else for other options?

original question:
> i want to pass variables to a shockwave-flash-file
> currently that's working fine with
> print " <PARAM NAME=movie
> etc...
> but passing the variables through GET makes iexplore think it's loading a
> new *.swf-file
> how to fix this?
> 1) is there a way around using GET to pass the variables from PHP?
> 2) is there a way to make Iexplore realise the file has been loaded before

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