I have installed a script named ALUMNI in www.alipso.com/alumni but there is an error somewhere, and I canīt find it...
Please post the code here if it's not too long (in your email, not as an attachment) so that we can see it.

Please enter to http://alipso.com/alumni/addschool.php3 and try to add a school... you will receive an error...
What error do you receive? Could you give us some details? What are you doing that causes the error? What script causes the error (addschool.php3 or a script that handles the form on addschool.php3)?

To access through FTP
Host address: www.alipso.com
User: fu0442
Password: alumni
You really, really, really shouldn't be giving us your FTP access. First, it's not good security. Second, you can't really expect people to FTP to your server to debug your scripts.

Please help me! If not.. may you tell me where can I find any other PHP mailing list where I can find help?
This is a great place to come for help and I'm sure we'll get you going in no time, but please let us know what errors you are receiving and show any relevant code.

That being said...

The error you are seeing (presumably the one you're talking about) is this
QUERY: INSERT INTO Schools (LongName, Abbreviation) VALUES ('safadssfdfds','afdafsdsf')
Error de MySQL: Duplicate entry '' for key 2
in addschool2.php3

Basically the query is failing because a column in your database must have unique values for each row and your query doesn't accomplish that. This is a MySQL database issue and can be solved once you take a look at your query (which is printed by the script) and the database scheme.

Best wishes,

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