Hm.  Looks pretty nice.  Cool page and the demos are pretty slick.  
But I can't really see what it would be useful for.  Maybe I missed 
something but it seems to be a sort of InstallShield for php scripts.  
While this sounds like a good idea, its actually quite useless.  What 
is normally involved in "installing" a php script?  If its simple you 
just upload it to the server and if its complex you upload it and 
then do some script specific configuration.
So what exactly does this installer of yours do?  Apparently it just 
runs through a few screens, yet does nothing constructive, and then 
starts the main script.  So you set some variables but where are 
these used?  The only configuration a php script may need will be so 
specific that a general interface cannot handle it.


PS: Microsoft copyrighted images. Commercial app. Bad idea. Seriously.

On February 24, 2003 12:05 pm, Stephen Craton wrote:
> It may do some good to give you the URL to the website, won't it?
> Sorry...
> Thanks,
> Stephen Craton
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephen Craton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 3:04 PM
> Subject: PHP Script
> Hello all,
> Very sorry if this is spam, but we all need some meat now and then,
> right? ;-)
> Anyway, some of you may recognize me as being the horrible PHP
> coder that has so many errors he can't get past the echo command.
> Others may know me as the math maniac for asking so many math
> related PHP functions it looked like I was trying to get you to do
> my homework. Never the less, I have created a, I hope, very useful
> PHP script for you other PHP programmers. It's called
> phpInstallWorks. It's a wizard based and webbased program that
> automatically creates a webbased installation script for your PHP
> script. You may remember me asking if it had been done before, and
> now it has! ^_^
> Normally, my scripts are free, but since it's a relativly new idea
> and new type of script, I thought I might charge a little bit to
> help myself get a new computer customized to my needs. The cost is
> a flat fee of $25 for the basic version (the pro has some more
> features but isn't out yet) and will probably have free upgrades or
> like a year or something. Email me or visit the script's website
> for more information. Hope you like it and it does you good and
> that you buy it! =)
> Sorry, again, if this is spam but I did want to inform you about
> this script...
> Thanks,
> Stephen Craton

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