> I'm running a script that reads the contents of images and stores them
> in a MySQL database.  The problem I'm running into is that my server is
> seeing "\" as escape characters and stripping them out.  I assume this
> has something to do with "Magic Quotes" or something of that nature but
> I'm not exactly sure which variable I'm playing with.  For the time
> being I'm replacing any "\" with "\\" so it only escapes one of them,
> but I'm sure this is not the correct solution.  If anyone has any idea
> what I'm doing wrong any info would be greatly appreciated.  I
> apologize if this has already been discussed but I could not find it in
> the archive.  Maybe I was searching for the wrong thing?  Please help.

That's the correct solution. You can use addslashes() to do it for you.
magic_quotes_gpc will do this automatically to data submitted through a

---John Holmes...

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