I am trying to run a PHP CLI script from cron using PHP 4.3 and FreeBSD
This is what I have verified:
My clock is set right
I can run bash scripts from cron
I have tried running the script as root and as other users
If I run the PHP CLI script by had it works fine
I set cron to run the script every minute just to make sure I am doing
my cron tab right
Here is my crontab entry:
* * * * * /path/to/file/file_name.php
I also have 
* * * * * /path/to/file/bash_test_script
which contains the following information
ls -l >> /path/to/file/holder/file_results.txt
With every passing minute the bash script gets run and file
file_results.txt get another ls appendied to it
On the other hand, Nothing happens with the PHP script.  Inside the php
script I have it emailing me using the php mail() funtction.  If I run
this script by hand I get an email from the script.  If I run the script
by cron everyminute I get nothing when I should be getting a email every
I hope someone can help me with this.  

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