I have the following query:
$query  = "SELECT d.utilization, d.capacity_date, d.day, i.id, i.interface, cd.date, 
cd.id ";
   $query .= "FROM (capacity_data as d LEFT JOIN interfaces as i ON d.interface = 
i.id) ";
   $query .= "LEFT JOIN capacity_date as cd ON d.capacity_date=cd.id ";
   $query .= "WHERE i.router = '$cmts[$i]' AND cd.date >= '$useDate' ";
   $query .= "ORDER BY i.interface,cd.date DESC";
if(!$result = mysql_query($query)) die(mysql_error());
The query itself runs just fine.  However, I've run into a problem with the loop I've 
created.  During one of the iterations, the query returns no data so during the 
subsequent loop the previous query's results is used in it's place.  I do not want 
this to happen.  What is the best way to destroy $result before I run the query?

Robbert van Andel 

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