> Not directly PHP related, but I'm building a site in PHP at the
moment, so
> I've been doing a bit of research...
> I've been on the net for years, coding and surfing and coding.  And
> always in that order. ;)  But only recently have I heard about web
> beacons,
> or single-pixel gifs.  Seems every site with these beacons mentions
> in
> their privacy policy.  Shows you how much I pay to attention to them.
> was
> just curious as to how they work.  Is it just a matter of viewing
> reports to see how often that image has been accessed?

I'm sure you could do a number of things with them. It could even be a
PHP script that does some logging of it's own with sessions or cookies
or whatever and then outputs the data for a single pixel gif. So you
could have a plain HTML page that'll still access a .php page when it's
loaded to track what users are doing. 

---John W. Holmes...

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