Thanks for your time, Dan.

Currently, I'm using defined tags for replacing info from my CMS, eg:

$str = "<ofa-core:siteMapLink/>"

Then I have a function that has all the objects in scope, and can perform
the necessary replacements.

I am prototyping some stuff with smarty, but so far have yet to see how it
benefits over my current implementation. I don't have to to worry about
non-technical persons building/maintaining the site, so I'd rather stick
with include() to build my pages from templates/blocks/content.

As I learn more about smarty, I might use it to power the presentation layer
of my CMS, but only when I can see a long-term benefit from using it. My cms
makes use of presentation logic components, which you supply microtemplates
to  in order to produce the final output. These components can reside within
"templates", so currently my html redundancy is minimal.


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