
I have a script that after login gives the user access to one directory. The directory depends on their login.

After login a list of files is displayed with a check box in front of each file. Under the list of files there are several buttons, Copy, Delete, Rename, Upload, and Download. When you check a box, and select a a button, lets say copy, you are given a new window to enter the new name. Once entered and you select continue the a copy is made and the list of files is refreshed, displaying also the new file. All the buttons function this way except the download which is where I have problems.

I a file management class I have a function for each operation. The code for the download function is as follows:

    function downloadFile($filename)
            $result = "";
            if(file_exists($this->_memberDir . "/" . $filename))
                header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
                header("Pragma: no-cache");
                if (!readfile($this->_memberDir . "/" . $filename))
                    $result = $filename . " successfully downloaded<br>";
                $result = "Download Failed for " . $filename . ", does not exist<br>";
            return $result;

When this function runs, I get the download box that allows the user to select where they want to save there file and a file gets saved. After this code returns the $result should be printed at the top of the browser window and the list of files displayed again. What happens is the results and the list of files, the html code for the next screen, is appended to the end of the file that was downloaded. I can put an exit() inplace of return and I get the correct file size downloaded but I still don't get my screen refreshed. I would think that I should be able to put another header statement after the download to indicate the no more data goes into the file but is to be displayed by the browser. I can't figure out how to get this to work.


David Miller

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