----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gangadhara Prasad"

Hi All,

I am rewriting rule in .htaccess file.I need to convert all .php files with 
.html extension.

Ex: http://localhost/test/test.php to http://localhost/test/test.html

     http://localhost/test/test.php?id=1  to 

My code is

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^test-([0-9]+)\.html$ test.php?id=$1

if i enter this url in browser "http://localhost/test/test.php?id=1"; i need 
to show this one in browser "http://localhost/test/test-1.html ".But my code 
is displaying this one only "http://localhost/test/test.php?id=1";

Can you please help me where can i change my code.

    The request URL is the full URL
ie - http://localhost/test/test-1.html
and not simply test-1.html
so take out the start of string expression '^' 

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